Hubby and I are Hatch chile fanatics. We buy 50 pounds of roasted Hatch chiles when they are in season. We portion them out and freeze them so they are...
This is my family's favorite turkey chili for a crowd that we serve with freshly baked cornbread, sour cream, and shredded cheeses for a topping. The secret...
This version won our chili cookoff at work a few years ago in the non-traditional category. Once the weather turns cool, this is one of the first things...
This quick chili recipe is great in the summertime or winter. It's also great for potlucks and family gatherings. It tastes great with a spoonful of sour...
Using some fresh and some canned ingredients, this chili is a snap to throw together and will keep you craving it for days. Chunky zucchini, fresh green...
The foods in this easy recipe are powerhouses of nutrition. Why this recipe is good for you: High antioxidants in tomatoes, corn and beans; High fiber...
Hatch chiles and tomatillos take this white chili to another level. I like to make my own roasted salsa verde but you can always use jarred or canned....
A Caribbean twist to a great winter-time dish! Sure to get the sinuses flowing!! This can be prepared without meat - just omit the steps with ground beef....
Beans, greens and chicken come together with tomatoes in a thick and creamy broth. This recipe, as with most chili recipes, doesn't need to be exact and...
Every year when football season rolls around and the weather begins to cool, my husband requests I make this hearty, beanless chili. It receives rave reviews...
The husband and I love chili, and love it spicy! But cooking for 3 little children requires me to tone it down for their taste buds. We like to add a few...
This is a rich, mild chili and pork stew. It is one of my favorite things, which I like to eat from a bowl with plenty of saltine crackers and a salad...
My husband and I put this together and mixed some long time standbys and some new ideas, and it was fabulous. It was the most amazing chili we have ever...
I love a hearty beef chili as much as the next guy, but once in a while there's nothing wrong with going over to the light side and enjoying an equally...
Perfect for people who love using their slow cookers. I've tried many chili recipes but this one is the best ever! You can substitute beans for the cornmeal,...
You have never had chili like this before! I am always being asked to make it for football games or just anytime friends and family get together! It is...
My Daddy, 'born and bred' in Texas, came up with this recipe and the name for it. It took some convincing, but I got him to allow me to share the recipe....
I threw this together on a cold day when I was itching for some chili. The spice measurements are approximate. I start out with 1/8 cup and go from there....
After trying other white chili recipes, I created my own that full with ground chicken, beans, peppers, and savory herbs, hot-spicy yet sweet, and creamy...
This makes a very thick chili. For a thinner chili, omit the tomato paste. For a chili soup, omit tomato paste and sauce and use 1 can (16 ounces) tomatoes...
This is a hand-me-down from my Grandma. I like it because it doesn't have kidney beans and it has a bit of a sweet taste. It's a brown chili not a red...
The coconut, curry, and mango chutney really put the flavor in this one. I put this together one night with what I had, and loved the results. It tastes...
This is a ground beef and pork and bean casserole that my mom used to make. It has a BBQ flavor to it. My kids ask for it twice a week!! Serve with cornbread...